Hi, my name is Larry Frank a.k.a. Mr. Prepared and I am committed to Bringing Awareness to Preparedness. I am just an average Husband/Father/Head of my Household, who has always been concerned about what would happen in case of an emergency. If I wasn’t prepared, who would take care of my family. My wife is always too busy to be prepared and my children have always counted on me to be prepared in case of emergency. I use to carry handwritten emergency information in my wallet until I created “My Emergency Card” years ago and I have always been Mr. Prepared. Always, thinking ahead. Now, I am taking my message to YOU! So please take a few minutes out of your busy life and read this letter. You will be glad you did.

Larry Frank a.k.a. Mr. Prepared

This may be THE most important article you read in your entire life!

(Their lives and their loved ones)

How Simply Responding To This Article Could
End Up Saving Your Life!
(And the Lives of your Loved Ones)

At Last, Someone Has Unlocked the Secret of Getting People Properly Prepared Before and After a Natural Disaster

How Often Do You Hear Yourself or Someone Else Saying “We Should Have been Better Prepared For This?”

When it comes to hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires and other natural disasters – you don’t always get a second chance!

There are no storms on Earth quite like a hurricane.

Views of hurricanes from satellites hundreds of miles above the Earth clearly show their tremendous fury. Often from space, they look like some giant alien beast.. To make matters worse, hurricanes are unpredictable. These incredible weather phenomenons are considered one of the most feared natural disasters in the world.

Hurricanes are often deadly. Even though you have days in advance to prepare, how may people really are prepared??? They frequently change courses at the last minute. Forecasting the course of a deadly hurricane is very tricky business. The erratic movement of hurricanes makes forecasting them a tremendous challenge.

People who have weathered hurricanes first hand have likely experienced a downgraded storm with minimal winds and size.

Very few people ride out a Category 5 monster storm . . . and live to tell about it.

Heavy rains, strong winds, and tornados often accompany a major hurricane. The impact of one of these giant storms has been known to paralyze cities. Entire communities have gone days or weeks without running water, electricity, or adequate public safety or even being able to contact anyone. A direct hit from a major hurricane can be devastating and affect the lives of millions of people.

More importantly according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), you and your loved ones are responsible for providing safety, food and shelter for yourself for a minimum of 72 Hours after a disaster.

Just look at Hurricane Katrina in 2005! Roughly 1500 people died and 700 are still missing! Everyone in your family should have a 72 Hour Survival Kit, first aid kit, food reserve and any other survival supplies you may need!

Proper preparation is the key to surviving a major hurricane. Taking necessary precautions ahead of time can make the difference in your families’ safety and security.

Again, wise households invest in the essentials such as Mr. Prepared’s 72 Hour Survival Kit designed to protect against injuries, loss of electricity, while providing basic food, water and medical supplies.

Danger Looms…
Don’t Get Lulled To Sleep!

Are you one of those who thinks “what will be, will be”? I urge you to reconsider your casual attitude, your loved ones deserve better. They can’t afford for you to take a carefree approach to something as serious as a natural disaster.

Many before you have thrown caution to the wind, often with dire consequences.

Just ask the thousands of homeless people in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf coast whether they thought a catastrophic hurricane would wipe their communities and leave thousands of people in their area homeless. Never in a million years did those poor people think they would experience the nightmare of a lifetime…but they did.

Disasters Happen…and YOU Could Be Next!

I don’t mean to be the doomsayer or any such absurd thing, but just think about it. What would you do? Ask the tens of thousands of people in Miami who went weeks without shelter, proper sanitation, food, water and electricity, all while coping with the after math of a killer hurricane.

Several weeks after Hurricane Andrew devastated South Florida, thousands of people still endured long lines in 90-degree heat and humidity, begging for items as basic as ice and water, all under the protection of the National Guard. And these are people just like you and me, we’re not talking about homeless people, or mentally ill people. We’re literally talking about middle and upper class families. They are used to shelter over their heads, air conditioning or heat and a hot meal every night. But when fighting for basic necessities, tempers flared and lives were destroyed. Some people were beaten just for breaking in line…all over a jug of fresh water!

Are you willing to expose your family to these kinds of savage, primitive experiences?

I’m certainly not, and I’m sure by that you can see the harsh reality . . . you aren’t willing to leave the safety of you and your family to chance either!

Disasters are not limited to just hurricanes. Fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and terrorism happen with little or no warning. Remember September 11th?

Ask the people of Iowa and other cities along the Mississippi River what they think about being prepared for a national disaster. This past spring, many people in the area watched their homes and businesses get washed away by rising floodwaters.

Lifetime residents of the area had not seen water that high in more than 100 years, yet it happened. And it will happen again . . . somewhere in our country, and you need to be prepared!

Disasters strike when you least expect it.

Just think about this; you go to work and your boss hands you a pink slip. Now you are laid off, how long will your bank account last? If you have one! If you have a big enough food reserve for you and your family, it may get you over the hump until you find a new job! If you can! If you’re a business owner and have a disaster, how long can you last. Just a thought!

Don’t drop your guard. Don’t turn a blind eye to these potential situations or you could be risking not only your life, but the lives of your loved ones. The very loved ones who know that you are always looking out for their safety and security and who won’t think about being prepared, because they “know” you have already taken action about being prepared for the moment a disaster strikes. That’s why they sleep so well at night. Having a 72 hour Kit for each family member will allow you to sleep well at night knowing that you and your family are prepared!

Don’t Run Out and Get the Fire Extinguisher after the Fire

Have you ever talked with someone who’s recently had their house robbed? What’s the first thing they do after their house has been robbed? They invest in a security system. Why?…to protect themselves. But, why would they take the precaution after the fact? For starters, they probably didn’t think their house would ever be robbed in the first place. But since it did happen, they don’t want to be victimized by a burglar again. Why run out and get the fire extinguisher after the fire, it is too late?… I say protect yourself before you need help. That’s what being prepared is all about.

Too many people roll the dice, thinking their families or possessions will never be compromised or challenged by a freak storm or disaster. They think stuff like that always happens to someone else. Wrong! Life doesn’t happen that way!

Just ask the folks in Southern California about rolling the dice.

People freaked out when an earthquake hit the early in late July, 2008. Very few people were ready and prepared for what happened. Instead there was panic and confusion.

Do you think the recent earthquake changed the way millions of Californian’s prepare for the next earthquake? You better believe it has!

They got a major wake up call. Now everyone is scrambling, investing in Mr. Prepared’s 72 Hour Survival Kits…everyone is taking precautions, getting prepared for “THE BIG ONE.”

Wise People Take Precautions
That means they Prepare AHEAD of Time…

Wise people not only take precautions to protect their homes against burglars, they also make sure they are protected against other dangerous situations that could harm their family. They recognize the value in preparing against the dangers of a flood, hurricane or other natural disasters.

Smart people are pro-active. Ordinary simple minded people are re-active…and they’re usually the ones begging for food and water in the aftermath of a disaster.

Why? Because they were not prepared. So get prepared and order Mr. Prepared’s 72 Hour Survival Kit for you and your loved ones today! Tomorrow is too late! You never know how many neighbors you’ll feed because they didn’t think about being prepared. Like you, the smart one, in your family. Now don’t wait any longer, do it now, if you don’t you’ll forget!

Are you the kind of person willing to turn a blind eye to the potential personal loss attributed to a natural disaster, like a hurricane, earthquake, fire, flood or tornado?

Simply stated – it’s not worth the risk.

There’s a few simple things you can do to protect you and your loved ones in the event a disaster.

Don’t risk your family’s safety over a few hundred dollars. It could mean the difference between being safe and or you and your loved ones being at the mercy of those individuals who did prepare in advance. Don’t be “left out in the cold” with no food, water or supplies for you and your family. Don’t be the neighbor who has to beg for the survival of your family because the neighbor next door did the responsible thing and thought about his family before there was a problem.

Some Straight Talk About Preparing for a Natural Disaster

It’s all about preparedness. Plain and simple. Nothing complicated here. Do you have a first aid kit in your home…Why? Because you want to protect your family in the event of a minor injury in your home…correct? Why would you NOT prepare for a natural disaster the same way? After all, it’s the same concept, just much BIGGER consequences at stake!

Be smart. Make the investment…ease your mind. Take the necessary steps to preserve and protect your family against the uncertainty of a natural disaster. Are you with me?…now, what do you need to do next?

This Investment is recommended by the American Red Cross, FEMA and other government agencies and Will Help YOU BE PREPARED for any Disaster

Mr. Prepared wants you to survive any type of a disaster. I know the precautionary steps you need to take to increase your chances of surviving a natural disaster.

I recommend everyone in your household have at the least a 72 Hour Survival Kit. It is better to be over prepared than under prepared. The American Red Cross, FEMA and other government agencies recommend have at the minimum a 72 Hour Survival Kit. You can always purchase a larger kit with food reserves, which will provide even more assurance you will be out of harms way. But, I recommend you at least have a 72 Hour Survival Kit as a minimum safeguard against hurricanes or other natural disasters.

You can order Mr. Prepared’s 72 Hour Survival Kits right from my website so it can be delivery directly to your door. It doesn’t get any easier than that. The kits contain all the necessary items you need to withstand the first 72 hours after a disaster.

The first 72 hours after a disaster is the most critical period.

Often times trees and power lines are down, preventing you from leaving your home. Even simple things, like going outside can be very dangerous, far less the treacherous journey to a nearby convenience store or grocery store which most likely won’t be open, or even if it happens to be open, will surely run out of supplies before you can get there in a safe manner.

Emergency experts say the best thing you can do is stay calm, remain inside (assuming your home is still structurally safe) and rely on your 72 Hour Survival Kit to sustain you and your loved ones until basic communication and public utilities are restored.

There a many very important items in Mr. Prepared’s 72 Hour Survival Kit, including the following:

  • 3600-calorie emergency food – Food Bars
  • 9 bags of drinking water (125 ml each bag)
  • 33 Piece First aid kit
  • AM/FM Radio and batteries
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • (1) 12 hour Light Stick
  • Emergency Whistle and compass
  • 2 Hand, Pocket and Glove Warmers
  • Unisex Toiletries kit with toothbrush, razor, comb, pads, tissue, soap
  • Toothpaste and hand sanitizer
  • Emergency Water Filter System (this could save your life by itself)
  • 5 & 1 multi-tool
  • Waterproof Matches
  • 1 Roll of Toilet Paper
  • 2 Person Emergency Tube Tent
  • N95 Mask
  • Hooded Emergency Poncho
  • Solar Thermal Blanket
  • Candle
  • Your Personal “My Emergency Card”
  • Mr. Prepared’s Emergency Quick Tips Card
  • A Hard copy of Mr. Prepared’s Top 50 Ultimate
  • Survival Secrets (Value of $49.95)


I recommend 1 kit per member of your family – having 1 kit per person
Allows you to easily carry them in case of an emergency
(Discounts for 2 kits or more)

The 3600 calorie food bars in the 72 Hour Survival Kit are vacuumed packed with a 5 year shelf life. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about something staying fresh or edible. You could make your own kit. But Why? It takes to long and you and I know you ain’t going to take the time to do it. Right! Why should you when you can click a button and have your 72 Hour Survival Kit delivered directly to your door. Having your family prepared is PRICELESS! Your family will be glad you did.

We are all too casual about preparing for a natural disaster. Unfortunately, again when this scenario occurs, you end up with a last minute rush to the store for supplies. Store shelves and supplies from food to gasoline are instantly depleted. It almost creates a panic situation. So, make it easy on yourself! Avoid the long lines and price gouging and the ultimate disappointment of your family, because you cannot get what they need to remain safe and healthy.

Order you emergency kits today and we’ll rush them directly to your home. You can order right now by clicking the button above. The safety of you and your family depends on it.

Remember, Be Smart. Be Safe. Be Prepared. This is Mr. Prepared bring Awareness to Preparedness for You and Your Loved Ones.

Mr. Prepared
Email address: MrP@MrPrepared.com

P.S. And don’t forget that the Gift of Being Prepared makes a great Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas or just saying you CARE Gift! Order yours today!

P.P.S. Are you relying on someone else to get you prepared?? Remember you as the Head of Your Household must take the necessary steps now to make sure that you and your loved ones are prepared. Being prepared is just one click away!