Hurricane season is over – I hope!
Tuesday, December 16th, 2008Well folks, its December 16th, and I now think it’s safe to say Hurricane season is over – I hope! I gave it a couple extra weeks, just to make sure. It was, again, a record-breaking year with Gustav (Goof Off – that’s how I remembered the name – being the worst) Again, how do they pick these names? Major cities like Houston, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana got hit the hardest, if my memory serves me right. With that said, can you believe Las Vegas had light snow and Dallas, Texas had snow and ice? Cars were “slippin’ and a slidin’” all over the interstate. I know because I was watching The Weather Channel – like you should doing once in a while!
You’ve got to keep up to date with what’s going on, Be Prepared! The weather can be some funny stuff at times – it’s becoming unpredictable, so keep an eye in the sky once in a while, just in case! You never know, you might see a meteor or flying saucer or something – more like space junk falling back to earth (that has been known to happen) Watch out for the tool bag that NASA lost! They are not perfect, we’re not perfect – nobody’s perfect.
So, with Christmas just around the corner, I’m Mr. Prepared™ wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Remember, Be Smart, Be Safe, Be Prepared. This is Mr. Prepared™ bringing awareness to preparedness!