Emergency Preparedness Expert Larry Frank, a.k.a. Mr. Prepared® Featured On “The Next Big Thing™” Radio Show Produced By America’s PremierExperts™
Monday, March 23rd, 2009Larry Frank, a.k.a. Mr. Prepared®, emergency preparedness expert, was recently featured on “The Next Big Thing™” Radio Show, showcasing experts spanning a wide array of industries.
Orlando, Fla. – March 23, 2009 – Emergency preparedness expert, Larry Frank, a.k.a. Mr. Prepared® was recently featured on an episode of the groundbreaking new Internet radio show, “The Next Big Thing™.” The show gives listeners exclusive insider interviews with experts and uncovers what the “Next Big Thing™” is for businesses and consumers alike. The experts featured on each episode are dedicated to spreading knowledge and awareness in their field of expertise and making significant contributions to their industry and the marketplace as a whole.
The radio show was launched by America’s PremierExperts™, an organization that honors an exclusive group of forward-thinking business owners, entrepreneurs, professional speakers, authors and corporate CEOs who are pioneers in their market, and who share their secrets of success with the audience. The show is hosted by international radio host Wayne Kelly and Nick Nanton, Esq., “The Celebrity Lawyer.”
Larry Frank was chosen to appear on the show for his expertise and success in the field of emergency preparation. Larry’s website, http://www.MrPrepared.com, is a website dedicated to teaching people of all ages how to be better prepared and serves as a central outlet where visitors can get all of the information they need to stay safe and prepared.
Mr. Prepared® was interviewed and shared his knowledge in all areas of emergency and disaster preparedness. One of the main topics covered during the show was how to prepare one’s self and family for any type of emergency. Larry also discussed how and why he became interested in becoming one of America’s leading emergency preparedness advocates. Other topics included having an emergency information card, such as Larry’s My Emergency Card™, preparing a 72-hour kit to have in case of an emergency, and the benefits of electronic health records.
About his appearance on the show, Larry said, “The show was a lot of fun! I had a great time talking with Nick and Wayne about the different ways we can prepare ourselves, whether it be for medical emergencies, natural disasters or any other kind of unexpected event. You would be amazed at how much suffering can be prevented by just thinking ahead and having a plan!”
Each episode of “The Next Big Thing™” showcases a different expert who has been chosen to share insights from their business and personal experiences.
“The Next Big Thing” Radio show is available for download at http://www.AmericasPremierExperts.com and is available as a free podcast on iTunes.
To learn more about Larry Frank, a.k.a. Mr. Prepared®, and to download a free My Emergency Card™ visit http://www.MrPrepared.com
About Mr. Prepared®:
Mr. Prepared® is the alter ego of Larry Frank, a self-described, “preparedness junkie.” After creating My Emergency Card® and spending many years as Chief Preparedness Officer (CPO) educating friends and family about the principles of preparedness, Larry realized that his message could ultimately help many if he were to take it to the internet. Thus, MrPrepared.com was born. MrPrepared.com is a website dedicated to teaching people of all ages how to be better prepared and serves as a central outlet where visitors can get all of the information they need to stay safe and prepared. For more information check out Mr. Prepared’s Top 50 Survival Secrets by visiting www.MrPrepared.com
About America’s PremierExperts™ LLC:
America’s PremierExperts™ is an organization that recognizes celebrity experts in their field of business and offers business owners, entrepreneurs, professional speakers, authors, professionals and corporate CEOs exclusive, invitation-only, opportunities for further exposure and growth in the marketplace. JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nanton, Esq., attorneys by trade and entrepreneurs by choice, founded America’s PremierExperts™ and The Ultimate Celebrity Branding Experience™ to honor entrepreneurs, CEOs, authors, professional speakers and business people who are dedicated to spreading knowledge and awareness in their field of expertise and making significant contributions to their industry and the marketplace as a whole. For more information about America’s PremierExperts™ LLC visit www.AmericasPremierExperts.com.